Tuesday, February 10, 2009

"Brain Twister" with Microsoft Calc and Mathematics

Many of us are using Microsoft application in most of our day to day life and with full of trust on it,

Believe it or not, Microsoft is not bug free and that too on one of the most widely used Microsoft calc

Try out the following

Open Microsoft calc (Run Command -> Calc)

Try out the following:

2704/42 = will work fine
2704/50 = will work fine
2704/52 =????

Can you find the answer (for 2704/52) using Microsoft calc????

Found the answer???
No, then try to find the answer for 52 * 52 = 2704
Is not simple? The answer is 52, when you test it in Microsoft calc, it will look as Microsoft calculator didn't calculate.

This is "Brain Twisting" feature of Mathematics. And Microsoft calc is an apt tool to twist it more.

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