One can’t justify his stand to all.
Want to stop Worrying? , Stop answering Critics.
The most annoying and frustrating is not when someone questions, but when the same person doesn’t even bother to listen when we shout.
If someone says “yes” for whatever you say, it doesn’t mean he always accepts your stand. Try to notice next time he may be ignoring you.
Wanna lose reputation? Talk on one’s back.
It is better to understand and act without a word then being explained with not so soothing words.
Those who are perform well, their results talk’s volume about them. Others talk volume about their results.
If you decided to make an impact, make it BIG.
In a game of chess, if u don’t make smart moves then ur moves will be decided by the opponents smartness. (Not only in Chess ;) )
The two most dangerous people in the world, one who claims he knows everything and another who act like he doesn’t know anything.
Want to stop Worrying? , Stop answering Critics.
The most annoying and frustrating is not when someone questions, but when the same person doesn’t even bother to listen when we shout.
If someone says “yes” for whatever you say, it doesn’t mean he always accepts your stand. Try to notice next time he may be ignoring you.
Wanna lose reputation? Talk on one’s back.
It is better to understand and act without a word then being explained with not so soothing words.
Those who are perform well, their results talk’s volume about them. Others talk volume about their results.
If you decided to make an impact, make it BIG.
In a game of chess, if u don’t make smart moves then ur moves will be decided by the opponents smartness. (Not only in Chess ;) )
The two most dangerous people in the world, one who claims he knows everything and another who act like he doesn’t know anything.