Don’t leave traces of your wrong doings that would send a wrong message to your future followers.
Stop asking “is there any”, instead look for something. After all, chances are not the one to be accepted but the one to be grabbed.
Same chocolate in 2 different wrappers may be same, but will give different notion.
The one which people not even bother to notice might be part of your life.. Like F8 for me ;)
One of the main things in winning any game is to play the game till you win.
I have no idea on what people will do when they go mad, but I will press F8.
Rules are often framed to favor the person who frames it.
Better to be Unique than to follow nuisance ad.
Girls eye are like an ocean, it would be good for all until Tsunami Hits.
Employee’s loyalty on Employer at times can depend on Royalty he gets..